Great closing message wrapping up the Family Sundays looking at the life of Jesus through the Gospels.
This Sunday the focus was simply saying "yes" to Jesus, as our Functional Saviour / Leader, not just saying we have chosen to follow Him, but saying "yes" to Him, before He even asks us of anything.
Saying "yes" is really talking about our posture towards Jesus. Going after Him no matter what. It was the difference between King David and Saul - scripture said David was a man after God's heart. David's posture was yes. Even amidst some huge mistakes, David's answer was still yes.
One acronym Kenda used was POWER to teach all of us how Jesus had power in his life and ministry, and how we can as well.
Here it is:
P. Pray from your heart. Not just us doing all the talking, but prayer includes connecting, listening, abiding, with the Father, Son and Spirit.
O. Obey the Holy Spirit's voice and nudges and direction.
W. Worship with your local church - which means much more then singing. So worship includes how we listen to a teaching or prophetic word, how we engage with the Lord through our singing, and the teaching, and our fellowship with one another.
E. Explain your faith to others - relying on the Spirit's nudges and's amazing how the Lord uses the words we speak, to encourage our own hearts, reminding us that this is what I too believe!
R. Read your Bible - not just to check the box, but to hear from Jesus. Yes the Holy Spirit speaks to us in numerous ways, but the primary way Jesus speaks to us today is still through His Living Word. But as you read (muse, mull over, memorize, mutter under your breath about) be listening for His voice, saying to the Lord "What are you saying to me through this Lord."
Let's not complicate our faith walk. If it was good enough for Jesus, it's good enough for His followers. Jesus lived this way, we too are invited into the same practices.
If you want to begin having a quiet time here are some ideas that you can try on for size. Remember, just like working out, change your routine from time to time - it helps keep things fresh, and cause the most growth.
Read Expectantly / pray to begin, and ask God to speak to you...
This time the acronym is SMORP (you've hear Darcy teach on this before).
S. Scripture - Begin with a book in the bible, and begin reading 1 chapter at a time / or even half a chapter, and pause where God seems to be speaking to you.
Slow down and read again...maybe a few times, listening, paying attention as you read...
M. Message - write down your discovery / what's the message? What is He saying to you?
O. Obedience - if it requires an action - something to obey, take steps to obey /
R. Repentance or Confession - if there's a sin to confess, confess it (even to a trusted friend as well) / if there's something you want to repent of, begin moving in that direction
P. Pray - talk to God about what you heard him say to you / express your love to Him / if you're wrestling with God over what you heard, go ahead and wrestle - work it out with Him.
From time to time you can change it up to this one, if that helps you get started.
Read your passage ... and see if what God is speaking to you fits any one or two of these categories. Whatever you hear Him say, I encourage you to write it down in a Journal.
S. Sin to confess
P. Promise to claim as yours
A. Attitude to change
C. Command to obey
E. Example to follow