

Matt. 6:9-13, 5:1-10, Ps. 35 The Message

Sermon Notes

The River's Values are using the acronym GET REAL which stands for...

G. Grace - Filled

E. Engaged

T. Truth Full

R. Relational

E. Experiential

A. Authentic

L. Loving

But more than this acronym reflecting our Values, we believe it ultimately reflects Jesus' invitation for us to approach the Father in Prayer.

The statements "Hallowed be Your name, Thy Kingdom come, and Thy will be done, are all imperatives, which can be translated as Your Will, Be Done! Your Name, Be Hallowed. Your Kingdom, Be Come!

That's how bold Jesus is asking us to approach the Father. He invites us to ask Him to Be Real / Get Real in the hearts of people. To make Himself known.

But in order for God to Get Real, maybe He is asking us to Get Real with Him.


Perhaps God can only display what we first dare to pray...honestly pray. 


Following Darcy's 33 minute sermon, we encourage you to listen to the conversation between Eugene Peterson and BONO in their mini movie entitled The Psalms 9:08-20:09