
John 15:9-10; Luke 10:27; Eph. 3:14-21

Pete Grieg says, “Our freedom and power will forever be linked to the discovery of the Father’s love for us in Christ. We can find security in our parents and friends, our loved ones, but our real security can only come from God’s everlasting arms. To discover that nothing can separate you from God’s love in Christ. Until such love seeps deep into our souls we can never know this security. If you don’t believe in the existence of such love, or you believe that you are too hard or calloused, or too hurt to receive it, you will always feel like something is missing. In your insecurity, we get lost trying to find life but nothing truly satisfies. We tend to pursue life at a frenzied pace – never getting what we long for. But when our insecurities begin to dissipate in the arms of God’s love, we may find that we are less driven and so able to enjoy a simpler slower life. Its only when we begin to understand the reality of God’s unshakeable love for us that discipline can flourish without becoming legalism and that we can serve Him sacrificially without striving for approval.” PG