
Acts 1:4-14; Joel 2:28-32
Stay and Be

Fot you individually or in your small groups of 3-4 or 5-6, here are some suggestions:

Watch Zach Brown sing there was Jesus and be reminded of all the ways Jesus and the Spirit have been there for you, or pursued you over the years. And if he has pursued you that way in the past, is He not still at work in you and pursuing you now?

Pause and Pray and worship this God who is a pursuing God. And who promises to be with us and make His home in us.

Read Joel 2:28-32

Listen to sermon alone or together; then talk about how God spoke to you.

I also showed a video of a Jewish man who encountered Jesus. I shared it because on many levels it gives example to so many things incorporated in the message this morning.

Here are the reflection questions for the next 2 weeks.

1. Meditate/think deeply about the truth of “God in me” or that the same power that raised Jesus from the dead is at work in you. You may want to listen to appropriate music to help connect the truth with the feelings. What feelings does this bring up? Does it create any tension for you? Press into this with God.

2. All of us struggle with feelings of worthlessness and being unloved. Sometimes these feelings are in our awareness but most often they operate under the surface where they are easy to ignore but still have great power over our motives, attitudes and actions. If it’s not obvious to you, ask God to show you where you turn (outside of Him) to feel loved and worthy. Confess this to God and invite Him to speak into your sense of identity and worth. Are there scriptures you can hang on to that help you remember the truth that you are loved and worthy not because of what you’ve done but because of who you are?

3. The above question relates to opening up more fully to the love of God. What does that look like for you? Where do you feel resistance? Practicing the Welcoming Prayer may be helpful. “I release (to God) my desire for security, affection and control and I accept this moment as it is.” This is a prayer honouring the legitimate desires, letting go of my striving for them and trusting God that in Him I find all I need.

4. The outflow of this loving relationship with God is a love for people and a care for all creation. Act 1:8 says Jesus followers are his witnesses. What in your life can you be a witness to regarding the goodness and love of God? It might be helpful to have something tangible that you see often to remind you of what God has done and continues to do in your life. Where is the stretch for you in being God’s witness? Ask the Holy Spirit to give you courage to follow where He leads.

5. Other ideas for this week:  Ask God to open your eyes this week to the many ways He is speaking to you.  Find someone to process your thoughts and feelings around this and pray for each other. Practice confession with someone you trust. Find someone to encourage. Practice ‘active waiting’ like the disciples did waiting for the Holy Spirit.