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As you may likely know, this Winter, the SimpleChurches Council released some of our funds so that our local churches could support initiatives close to their hearts. This month, the River Church was the first in our network to "spend" its funds—and how it used those funds is amazing! How amazing? Let's count the ways!

  1. Young Life Scholarships - Young Life has an important ministry in Squamish, and summer camp is always a huge part of its outreach. However, camp is expensive, and some kids simply can't afford a life-changing week away. River Church used some of its funds to provide scholarships for needy youth.  
  2. Under One Roof Garden Project - Under One Roof is a housing shelter in Squamish. The shelter is starting a community garden, and the River is partnering with it to provide needed supplies.
  3. Baby Shower - A friend of the River needed a special baby shower. The church rallied to celebrate the expectant mom with important supplies and extra love.

Amazing, right!? Isn't this one of the wonderful things about SimpleChurches? Living simply so we have more to give away.