
Gal. 1:15-2:3

Our apologies. The Sound Recorder was lost, so just purchased a new one, so now back to recording sermons! 

Have you ever wondered why God chose to reveal His Son to the world when He did? Why He chose to reveal Himself to Mary, or Paul on the Road to Damascus when He did? Ever question God's timing? Ever feel like God is running late; or taking His time? Ever wonder why that s so?

Ever find yourself comparing yourself and your own growth in Christ with the likes of the Apostle Paul? Ever feel like Paul's transformation was somewhat instantaneous, and your's is slow going? Perhaps you would be encouraged to know that just like yourself, Paul's transformation took time...years in fact. Isn't it good to know that no matter how long it might take, God is faithful. So as we wait for God's perfect timing, perhaps we need to be reminded that our waiting isn't passive...but quite active.

Even though Paul "escaped" to Arabia shortly after encountering Jesus on the Road, and spent years there, it doesn't mean he didn't need people in his journey with Jesus. In fact, there were some pretty key people in Paul's life, who God used to help shape him after Christ. There were people like Peter, James, Titus, Barnabas, Silas and Priscilla and Aquilla. Here we will take a closer look at Peter, James and Barnabas. Makes me wonder who might be your Peter, James and Barnabas? And who might be your Paul?

To hear more, why not have a listen.